Meetup "Blockchain Research at University Zurich" on Tue, 25.09.2018

After summer break, Prof. Claudio Tessone is guest-hosting us at UZH. This gives us an opportunity to learn what topics our colleagues at UZH are working on in the blockchain space.

by Susann Arreghini
ETH Meetup Blockchain, 25.09.2018


18:10 WELCOME – Marcus M. Dapp (ETHZ), Claudio Tessone (UZH)

18:15 TALKS

- Cardossier, the digital blockchain ecosystem Liudmila Zavolokina (UZH)

- Q&A

- Uprise from the Underground: An analysis of the relationship between cryptomarkets and Bitcoin Jan Bühlmann (UZH) 

- Q&A

19:45 CLOSINGClaudio Tessone (UZH), Marcus M. Dapp (ETHZ)

APERO – Sponsored by the COSS group & research project

More information and a doodle to register for the apéro can be found on the Meetup Website


Universität Zürich Zentrum external pageKOL-E-21, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich



Want to present at the meetup? Please contact .

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