About us
Our members are some of the active players in blockchain research at ETH Zurich, along with their research interests.
Professor Dr. David Basin

Information Security
David Basin is a full professor and head of the Information Security Group at the Department of Computer Science at ETH Zurich. His research focuses on Information Security and Formal Methods, including topics such as cryptographic protocols, applied cryptography, distributed computing, and quality asurance methods for building and evaluating security-critical applications. More about Prof. Basin

Professor Dr. Stefano Brusoni

Technology and Innovation Management
Stefano Brusoni is Professor of Technology and Innovation Management within the Department of Management, Technology & Economics at ETH Zurich. His work seeks to explore the business impact and implementation challenges for blockchain, and other digital technologies, in corporate settings. More about Prof. Brusoni

Professor Dr. Srdjan Capkun

System Security
Srdjan Capkun (Srđan Čapkun) is a full professor in the Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich and Director of the Zurich Information Security and Privacy Center (ZISC). His research interests are in system and network security. He regularly publishes on the security and blockchain and cryptocurrencies. external page More about Prof. Capkun

Dr. Marcus M. Dapp

Computational Social Science
Marcus Dapp, lecturer at COSS, is interested in the design of external page incentive systems in permissionless blockchain settings: cryptoeconomics/token economies, decentralized oracles/exchanges, community currencies, mechanism design. More about Dr. Dapp

Professor Dr. Hans Gersbach

Macroeconomics: Innovation and Policy
Hans Gersbach is professor of Macroeconomics: Innovation and Policy and Member of the Scientific Advisory Board to the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. His research includes macroeconomics and all aspects of collective decision-making. Regarding blockchains, his research focusses on the design of staking, governance procedures and tokenomics. More about Prof. Gersbach

Professor Dr. Ueli Maurer

Information Security & Cryptography
Ueli Maurer is professor of computer science and head of the Information Security and Cryptography Research Group at ETH. His research interests include the theory and applications of cryptography, where the applications include blockchains and cryptocurrencies. One of his long-term research projects in the mathematical foundations of cryptography is to establish a constructive theory of cryptography and to apply it to the modular design of provably-secure cryptographic protocols, including blockchain protocols. Ueli Maurer is a co-founder of the external page Concordium project aiming at building an efficient, scalable, block-chain-based, programmable, compliance-ready distributed transaction system. More about Prof. Maurer

Professor Dr. Adrian Perrig

Network Security
Adrian Perrig is a professor, leading the network security group. His main project is to develop the SCION Internet architecture, a disruptive technology that provides secure inter-domain routing, multipath communication, QoS, DDoS defense mechanisms, resilient public-key infrastructures, and an unprecedented level of availability. SCION network connectivity is an ideal approach for blockchain communication, as it operates on a public infrastructure of independent network service providers, yet providing connectivity guarantees approximating leased lines. More about Prof. Perrig

Professor Dr. Martin Vechev

Martin Vechev is an associate professor of Computer Science where he leads the SRI Lab. His work spans the intersection of artificial intelligence, programming languages, and security. His group has built the first automated security verifier for external page Ethereum Smart Contracts (securify.ch). More about Prof. Vechev

Professor Dr. Laurent Vanbever

Networked Systems
Laurent Vanbever is an associate professor in computer networks. His research interests lie at the crossroads of theory and practice, with a focus on network management, programmability, verification, and Internet routing. He aims at making networks both more performant and easier to manage. More about Prof. Vanbever

Professor Dr. Roger Wattenhofer

Distributed Computing
Roger Wattenhofer is a full professor ETH Zurich. He is interested in distributed systems, consensus, byzantine agreement, payment networks, proof-of-work alternatives, fault-tolerance, scalable high-throughput blockchains, crypto-economics, game theory, measurements, financial and non-financial applications. He published the book “Blockchain Science: Distributed Ledger Technology“, which has been translated to Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese. More about Prof. Wattenhofer