Second Blockchain Research at ETH Zurich meetup on Thu, 24.05.2018

Our external guest will be Saifedean Am­mous who recently published the book "The Bitcoin Standard".

Blockchain Meetup ETH Zürich 24.05.2018


18:00 WELCOME – Marcus M. Dapp, COSS/FuturICT2

18:05 TALK – The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking (Saifedean H. Ammous)

external page Saifedean H. Ammous an Economist at the Lebanese American University & Center for Capitalism and Society at Columbia University.

In his talk, Saifedean Ammous analyzes the historical context to the rise of Bitcoin — an autonomous and decentralized peer-to-peer payment software — its economic properties, and its likely economic, political, and social implications. In particular, he addresses the question whether Bitcoin, and its automated and perfectly predictable monetary policy, can provide a decentralized alternative to the central banking system. His book "The Bitcoin Standard" was recently published.

19:00 RESPONSE & DISCUSSION Tobias Huber and Richard Senner, Chair of Entrepreneurial Risks, ETHZ

19:25 CLOSING – Marcus M. Dapp, COSS

19:30 APERO – Sponsored by the COSS group & external page futurICT2 project.

More information and a doodle to register for the apéro can be found on the organizer's website: COSS Webseite

Want to present at the meetup? Please contact .


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